The Importance of Personal Touches and Sentiments in Bohemian and Eclectic Home Decor

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5 DIY Inspirations for Bohemian and Eclectic Home Decor with a Personal Touch

When you want to keep up with the trend of having a rustic, boho and eclectic home decor, it is important to include a personal touch and sentiment to the decor. A home filled with sentimental values will be more meaningful and bring more warmth to your family environment. Here are 5 DIY inspirations that you can incorporate into your home decor to give it a personalized touch.

1. Using Natural Materials

Using natural materials such as wood, rattan, wool, linen, metals and jute can create a unique, warm and inviting atmosphere. Not only do natural materials add a charming aesthetic to your home, it can keep it at a comfortable temperature and make sure that it is well ventilated.

2. Indoor Plants

Adding a few houseplants to your home is key when understanding the importance and personal feeling of bohemian and eclectic home decor. Placing a few potted plants in the living room, bathroom and kitchen to brighten up the space and also works as natural air purifiers, freshens up and adds a layer of texture. Additionally, when placing larger potted plants, there’s an added layer of personal sentiment as they become meaningful home accessories over time.

3. Keeping Memories Alive

Charred artifacts and heirlooms that have meaning to the homeowners can be kept within a display area that is filled with sentimental charm. Create a feature corner with your collection of items, like postcards that you collected from your travels, souvenirs from certain milestones in your life, as well as family photos and letters, and arrange them as a hung wall collage or as a room divider.

4. Textile Walls for Coziness

Layering textiles can dramatically add coziness to your home. Use unique patterned fabric and hand woven tapestries to decorate the walls of your living room or bedroom, creating a comfy, lived-in feel. If you have fabric samples, you can cut them into different shapes and sizes, while also adding a mix of colors to give your bedroom or living room a sense of more vibrancy.

5. Woodwork Artistry

Creating wooden projects are an economical way to infuse a personal touch into the home. Projects like building a log raft, wooden wall shelves and hanging planters can bring a subtle wild west feel to your living space. The key here is to simply create pieces that you’ll love and use everyday and would be proud of displaying in your home.

With all these creative DIY inspirations, you can easily craft your home with personalized touches. Don’t feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the thought of taking on such a task as there is an array of helpful videos, platforms and blogs available to provide guidance. So don’t be afraid to explore various materials, tools and inspect the space around you so you can create a home that reflects the bohemian, eclectic vibes and personality you crave.