how to choose paint colors for your home interior

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Choosing the Right Shade for your Home’s Interior: The Ultimate Guide to Paint Colors

With more than one million paint colors to choose from, it can be awfully overwhelming to pick the perfect hue for your walls! Whether you’re looking to drastically change your living room’s aesthetic or simply want to take a break from white, selecting the right color can be nerve-wracking for even the savviest home DIY enthusiasts.

Fortunately, there are a few steps you can follow to narrow down the options and create the perfect vision for your home. Here’s a helpful guide on how to choose paint colors for your home interior.

1. Start with the Neutral Palette

Start by selecting the neutrals for your walls, flooring, and furniture. Neutral colors are important as they offer the perfect backdrop for brighter, bolder accent pieces. Additionally, neutrals are versatile and can be used in any style.

Remember that neutrals don’t equate to white. Some of the most popular hues in this category include shades like light tan, gray, and buffs. Using a neutral wall color can help create the perfect backdrop for your furniture and decorations.

2. Accentuate with Bold Colors

Now it’s time to choose your accent colors! When selecting your accent wall paint, you can pick from either bright or pastel colors. You can either choose to bring in new shades or stick with the existing palette of your room.

Choose colors that you actually feel passionate about, even if they seem too bright. Additionally, many people opt for dramatic accent pieces like a bright blue or yellow accent wall.

3. Think about the Room’s Purpose

Consider the room’s purpose and the existing furniture you have. If the room is a cozy living room, go for earth tones like greens and browns. For a more open space, opt for lighter and brighter colors like blues and off-whites.

In addition, if you have furniture that you want to highlight, you can choose colors that create contrast with them. For example, if your furniture is a bright blue, opt for a soft pink or tan wall color.

4. Look at the Lighting

It’s essential to keep the amount of natural light in the room in mind. Natural lighting can enhance the colors in a room and make them appear more vibrant. Additionally, it can even help you choose a color if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the choices available.

If your room gets a decent amount of sunlight, select a color that warms and brightens up the area. Conversely, if the room is darker due to lack of lighting, go for cooler colors like blues and whites.

5. Consider the Undertones

Different hues can have similar undertones, and it’s essential to take this into account when choosing paint colors for your home. Many colors may look the same in flat swatches, but their undertones can be quite different when applied to the walls.

Be sure to research the undertones of the paints you’re considering and select colors that have the most common base undertone. You can also ask a paint specialist at the store for their opinion.

6. Make a Sampling Board

Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, making a sampling board is the best way to make the final decision. Simply buy small card samples of each color and tape them up to your wall. Take a look at the colors in daylight and at night to see how they change.

If you need help deciding which one is best, consider asking for a second opinion from friends or family. You can also take several photos and evaluate them on your computer to get a better idea of the color.

Wrapping Up

Choosing a paint color can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. All you have to do is select the perfect neutral hue and accentuate it with bold colors. Additionally, be sure to keep the room’s purpose and lighting in mind as well as evaluate each color’s undertones. After making your sampling board, you can finally make the decision and begin painting.

Filling your walls with the perfect color can transform your room into the cozy space you’ve always wanted. Following this guide is sure to make the process a lot easier and leave you feeling satisfied with the results.